Send money
Abroad with Western Union
Do you need to send money to someone, or have money sent to you? With Western Union, you can transfer money quickly, easily and securely. Worldwide.*
Do you need to send money to someone, or have money sent to you? With Western Union, you can transfer money quickly, easily and securely. Worldwide.*
Send and receive money quickly and smoothly worldwide*
Over 200 countries and over 550,000 agents connected to the service.
Enables to send money abroad without needing to have a bank account
Visit a FOREX store and bring your ID
Safe and secure
With Western Union, you can feel that your money is being sent safely and securely
You can send money through Western Union by visiting one of our stores. (Not online)
Go to your FOREX store
Find the FOREX store that suits you best.
Identify yourself
Once in the store, you will need to identify yourself with a Driver's License or Passport
Tell us where and to whom the money will be sent
We will need to know the necessary information about where and to whom the money will be sent.
Before the transaction is completed, you pay the amount plus the fee
Transaction completed
Within a few minutes, the transaction has been completed.
The recipient can collect the money
The recipient can go to the nearest office, identify themselves and collect the money.
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At all our FOREX stores you can use Western Union, we can help you send money worldwide, with the exception of a few countries.* The money you send usually arrives in just a few minutes.
No Receiver Fees
The money often arrives in a few minutes
A security on the trip if you lose your bank card
General limitations in FOREX product range
*FOREX product offerings may differ from Western Union's. At the moment, it is not possible to send or receive money from Belarus, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia and Libya.