Since 25th of May 2018, the EU has new regulation for handling personal data; the General Data Protection Regulation, (GDPR). These new rules apply to all member countries and aim to strengthen the legal protection for individuals.

Rules on the protection of personal data

The new regulation and a supplementary Swedish law, the Data Protection Act, replace the Personal Data Act (PuL) in Sweden. The General Data Protection Regulation contains, among other things, rules with basic principles for the processing of personal data and specifies the conditions for processing to be lawful. It also contains rules on the rights to information and access to personal data, rules on the correction of incorrect personal data and the possibility of restricting the processing of personal data in certain cases.

Your rights

You can contact us if you have any questions about how your personal data is processed by emailing or calling + 46 (0)10- 211 10 00.

You also have the right to request an extract from the register free of charge, which contains a summary of the personal data about you that is processed by FOREX and information on how the processing is carried out. In order to verify and ensure your identity in the event of a request for a register extract, FOREX AB ("FOREX) will send the register extract as a registered letter. 

In addition, you have the right to request correction (that we correct incorrect information), deletion (that we delete personal data that no longer needs to be or need to be processed) and restriction (that we in some part cease processing) of our processing of your personal data.


Request a register extract

If you wish to request a register extract, you need to fill in the PDF file that you will find on this page. You can then hand over the form to us by letter, e-mail or visit a FOREX Shop. Full instructions can be found on the form. 

Request a register extract

Direct marketing

You can opt-out of receiving direct marketing from us at any time. You do this by clicking on the link in the email if you have received one, emailing us at or writing to us at the address:

Box 2154
103 14 Stockholm

Purpose of processing personal data

FOREX processes personal data, among other things, in order to be able to provide the services you request and to otherwise be able to conduct payment service operations and related functions. "Agreement" between you as a customer and FOREX, consists of you using one of the services we offer, such as the use of currency, online currency and exchange services as well as other services.

For full information on how we process your personal data, please see FOREX - Privacy Policy.

FOREX Privacy Information 

Camera surveillance in stores

Both your and the staff's safety is important to us, which is why we choose to have camera surveillance in our stores. The recorded material is only used for the prevention, prevention and investigation of crime and suspicion of crime. The material can be submitted to the police and prosecutor's office.

Of course, we follow the Camera Surveillance Act and the EU's General Data Protection Regulation for how we record and handle the recorded material. The recordings are ongoing around the clock and in special cases sound is also recorded. The material is stored for 90 days. 

Data controller of the material

FOREX is responsible for camera surveillance and is the data controller for the recorded material.

Camera surveillance in stores

Data Protection Officer

If you cannot find the information you are looking for on this page or if you otherwise have questions regarding how your personal data is processed by FOREX, you have the opportunity to contact our Data Protection Officer either on or on 010-211 10 00.

Data Controller

For the personal data about you that is processed by us in order to provide the services you have ordered, to contact you as a customer and to otherwise fulfil our tasks and obligations as a payment institution, FOREX is the data controller.

Org. No: 516406-0104
visiting address Stora Nygatan 27
111 27 Stockholm

Customer service phone number: +46 (0)771-22 22 21
Reception phone number : + 46 (0)10-211 1000
E-mail address: 

Why ID scanner?

More recently, our stores have started using ID scanners to verify the identity of customers who use our services. Learn more about how this works and how the data is stored.

ID Scanner